
Hardness: 7.00

Refractive Index: 1.54-1.55

Specific Gravity: 2.65


Birthstone: November

Astral Stone: Gemini, Virgo, Leo

Anniversary Stone: 39th


Origination: South Africa, Australia, the United States, and others.


Care & Cleaning: Clean with a soft polishing cloth, plain water rinse or mild solution of soap & water. Do not use harsh detergents.


Fiction, Facts & Folklore:


Tiger�s-eye is a chatoyant variety of the quartz mineral group.


It generally shows a brown to golden background. The eye is a result of asbestos inclusions, while its� black bands indicate the presence of iron oxide.


Tiger's-eye is often found in conjunction with deposits of hematite. In fact, in many cases, hematite is found residing in the tiger's-eye gem itself.


Its� appearance reminds one of the stripes of the tiger. This caused Orientals to fear the tiger�s-eye and treat it with the highest regard.


The first documented evidence of tiger�s-eye date back to the late 1800�s, although some believe it has actually been in existence for centuries.


A material similar to tiger�s-eye found in small waterworn pebbles was first discovered in Namibia in 1962. This material has hardly caused a ripple in the market, for history has proven it to be inconsistent in supply.


A new variety similar to the material found in Namibia has recently surfaced from China. Consumers would be hard pressed to tell the two apart with the naked eye, but its� differences are apparent to highly-trained jewelers and Gemologists when viewed through a microscope or a 10X loupe. Some experts believe this material will eventually become the latest chatoyant quartz to hit the retail market.


Roman soldiers wore tiger's-eye into battle with the belief that it would give them an advantage over their opponents.


It has also been thought to be a stone that unlocks the mind and clears the way for new plans and ideas.