Rose Quartz

Hardness: 7.00

Refractive Index: 1.54-1.55

Specific Gravity: 2.65


Birthstone: January, October

Astral Stone: Aries

Anniversary Stone:


Origination: Brazil, Madagascar, the former Russia, the United States and others.


Care & Cleaning: Clean with a soft polishing cloth, plain water rinse, mild solution of soap & water or commercial jewelry cleaner.


Fiction, Facts & Folklore:


Rose quartz gets its color from traces of manganese & titanium.


It is usually seen in bead form or cut en cabochon.


Rose quartz can sometimes be found with an asterism (or star).


Rose quartz can also be found in a lovely shade of peach.


Flakes of iron oxide will sometimes invade the crystal, resulting in an extraordinary display of sparkle one does not usually associate with rose quartz.


Years of weathering will turn rose quartz a rather lifeless shade of gray.


The states of Colorado, Connecticut, New York & South Dakota are all domestic sources for rose quartz.


The world famous Field Museum in Chicago displays a stunning hand-carved bowl made entirely of rose quartz.


The very first recorded findings of rose quartz date back to approximately 800 B.C.


Ancient civilizations believed rose quartz would promote gentle healing.


Folklore tells us if a person were to happen across a deposit of rose quartz, they would soon meet their own true love.


Rose quartz is considered a gem of the heart.