
Hardness: 7.00

Refractive Index: 1.66-1.68

Specific Gravity: 3.33


Birthstone: May

Astral Stone: Pisces, Libra

Anniversary Stone: 12th


Origination: Myanmar, Japan, China, South America, Mexico & others.


Care & Cleaning: To clean, rub lightly with a soft polishing cloth. An optional dab of olive oil will produce a beautiful shine. If necessary, a plain water rinse or mild solution of warm soap & water may also be used. Do not soak.


Fiction, Facts & Folklore:


Jadeite is the translucent variety of gem-quality jade.


Astrologers link jadeite with the planet Mercury.


Jadeite can be found in a wide range of colors, including green, white, charcoal, red, golden yellow, brown and others.


The rarest form of jade is an emerald green variety known as �imperial jade�.


Jadeite is usually seen either as a flat cut, en cabochon or in some variety of bead that may be any shape from round to a pear-shaped drop.


Although jade was generally used in articles of adornment and artifacts, certain cultures also believed it to have medicinal



Because it is cool to the touch, jade was often placed on the forehead of a child burning with fever. In addition, jade was used to treat a wide variety of other ailments, from kidney problems to ulcers.


Jade gets its� name from the Spanish �pierdra de hjada� which means �colic stone.� This name was given to jade by


Spanish Conquistadors when they observed Mexican Indians using it to treat kidney disease.


For additional information, see �nephrite jade�.