Imperial Topaz

Hardness: 8.00

Refractive Index: 1.62-1.63

Specific Gravity: 3.54


Birthstone: November.

Astral Stone: Sagittarius

Anniversary Stone: 16th


Origination: Much of the worlds� supply is found in and around the mining area of Roderigo Silva, Brazil. The tiny gem rich nation of Sri Lanka also contains some fine quality deposits of imperial topaz.


Care & Cleaning: Clean with a soft polishing cloth, plain water rinse mild solution of soap & water or commercial jewelry cleaner. Do not soak.


Fiction, Facts & Folklore:


Astrologers link the imperial topaz to the planet Jupiter.


Imperial topaz is the golden variety of the topaz mineral group.


One of the very largest mines is located in Minas Gerais, Brazil. This mine is so large, that large dump trucks and pay loaders from a distance almost look like play toys in a sandbox.


Imperial topaz is also sometimes known as �sherry topaz�.


The rich, golden color of the imperial topaz is natural, not enhanced.


An imperial topaz of nearly 8,000 carats is on display at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C.


Consumers should note that a gem sometimes marketed as �Spanish topaz� is actually the much less costly Madeira citrine.


Another source of confusion to consumers is the �Oriental topaz� which is actually a yellow corundum.


Simulants of either synthetic corundum or spinel are sometimes seen at retail.


For additional information, see �topaz�.