
Hardness: 7.00

Refractive Index: 1.54-1.55

Specific Gravity: 2.65


Birthstone: February.

Astral stone: Aquarius, Pisces, Aries

Anniversary stone: 6th, 17th


Origination: Brazil, Bolivia, Africa, Sri Lanka, the United States, the former Russia & others. 


Care & Cleaning: Soft polishing cloth, plain water rinse, mild solution of soap & water or commercial jewelry cleaner. 


Fiction, Facts & Folklore: 


Amethyst is the purple to lavender variety of the quartz mineral group. Those showing a deep purple hue are generally considered the most sought after gems. 


Brazil is the worlds� most important source for amethyst, while neighboring Bolivia produces some beautiful specimens, although in the volume of Brazil. 


African amethyst is generally considered the darkest amethyst of all. 


Amethyst from the former Russia generally shows a strong undertone of red 


A new find of amethyst has surfaced in the northern part of the San Carlos Apache Reservation, the worlds� most significant source for peridot. 


It was believed that amethyst could control evil thoughts. 


Dreaming of amethyst would keep one free from harm. 


Ancient armies believed amethyst would bring them victory in battle. 


Uruguay calls amethyst its international gemstone. 


South Carolina lists amethyst as its official state stone. 


Astrologers often connect the amethyst with the planet saturn